Dear Parents/ Caregivers
For Lent 2015 the theme is Light a fire in the heart of the world taken from Pope Francis.
We are encouraging the children to think of others. We are learning to recognise that Jesus showed love and respect for people in many ways and we can relate this to the ways people show love and respect today. Could you please discuss the idea that “Lent is a time to get ready for Easter” and during this time we do kind things for others. (this is a way to be closer to Jesus). This is a time for us to grow and become closer to Jesus. Please fill in the hearts that have come home today with kind/helpful things your child has done at home. Your child can bring these “Lenten Loving Hearts” back to school and stick them up on our “Lenten Loving Tree”. Thank you for your support.
Don’t forget to mark the date for the Caritas Challenge 27 March 2015. We will be having a LIVE SIMPLY DAY. More information to follow.
During this time Room 2 have also been thinking and praying for Gabby Devine (a member of our school and parish community who is under going medical treatment for Cancer. Gabby has created a charity Starlit Hope and she is ALWAYS thinking of others). We have been talking about ways we could support Gabby and show Gabby love. We have come up with the idea that we would like to buy her a gift. Room 2 have decided that we would like to hold a bake sale to raise money to buy Gabby a birthday present (her birthday is next week). We thought we might buy her a Gel Nail kit (if you have any suggestions let me know).
If possible could you please bring a small plate of baking to school on Friday for us to sell to the SJB school children at morning tea on Friday. Could you please let me know if you are available to help out in any way.
Kind regards,
Cat Allen
Room 2 Teacher
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