Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Muru Raupatu Marae

We are learning about 'Te Marae'

Explanation of Key Vocab that we will be learning about:

Whaikōrero - formal speech/ given during powhiri
Pōwhiri - formal welcome
Whare nui - Big house
Poroporoaki - Formal Farewell
Marae - Meeting Place
Whare Kai - Eating House
Harirū - handshake
Marae ātea - Area in-front of the house and in between the tangata whenua and the manuhiri during a welcome
Manuhiri - Visitors
Tangata Whenua - Host
Karanga - Call to welcome
Hongi - to greet another person by pressing noses

You can practise doing a hongi and a Harirū at home - when you do this try saying "Kia ora" or Morena if it's morning or Ahiahi Marie if it's afternoon.

Muru Raupatu Marae NEXT WEEK

Please return your permission slips and... CAN YOU HELP??

Note - Children are to wear school uniform - and sandals if possible

Muru Raupatu Marae

Please return your permission slips ASAP

Thursday, 24 March 2016


This week we have been focusing on Easter. Mr Luckin thought it would be a good idea for the children to carry the cross - like Jesus would have done so each day a different class carried the cross to another class.

We also watched these videos to help us understand the Passion or the Stations of the Cross


Wednesday, 23 March 2016


We had a fabulous visit to Fitzroy kindy today!

The children really loved the opportunity to explore and learn through play. We nearly didn't go because of the weather being a bit dodgy but we were so glad we ended up going!!

The dress up's were a hot fav during our visit!!!! Our class dress up's are a bit tired I will look at purchasing some new ones. However in the mean time, if you have any old costumes for our class dress up box please feel free to donate these to us :)

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Junior Assembly

Tomorrow it's our turn to present at assembly. We will begin at 2.15 pm in the church

Jesus feast

We dressed up like Jesus. We ate food that Jesus would have eaten and we played games Jesus would have played.

Friday, 11 March 2016


Phonics books are now in your child's book bag. Use this book to have fun learning the alphabet. Have a focus on the letter sound first and then the letter name.

We are using the Yolanda Soryl method of teaching phonics. Above is an example of how we teach stage 2 phonics (which is what we are learning at the moment)

Phonics is an important part of our reading and writing programme. It is important for the children to see the link between these (including spelling).

Phonemes = 1 letter 1 sound e.g. p, l, k 
Digraph = 2 letters that make 1 sound e.g. ch, sh, th

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Swimming Sports

Swimming Sports THIS FRIDAY!!!

I need your permission slip. Please return ASAP!