Monday, 31 March 2014

Notice - Week 9

Dear Parents/Whanau,

This letter is to advise you that I will be away from school from Monday 7th April through to the end of the term. Mrs Rebecca Sinclair will be teaching Room 2 for the duration of this time. I have a wedding in Mexico at Easter time so thought I would make the most of this opportunity and spend some time traveling around the USA. 

Also, for the next 6 weeks we have a student teacher with us in Room 2. Her name is Haidee Tipler. Haidee is studying towards gaining the one year graduate diploma of teaching. She will have 5 days sole charge during this time at the beginning of term 2 (I am still in the classroom but she has control of the class). We welcome her to our school and classroom. 

Kind Regards,

Cat Allen

Room 2 Teacher

Jesus Feast

Jesus Feast

Today we had a ‘JESUS’ feast

We are learning to:

Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between Jesus life and our life.

The sound j

We dressed up in clothes that Jesus would have worn and ate food that Jesus would have eaten.

Monday, 24 March 2014


Please do not send peanuts, peanut butter or any product that has PEANUTS to school anymore. We have a lovely new student starting in Room 2 and she is highly allergic to these. In order to keep her safe it is important that we do not bring peanuts to school.

Thanks for your support,


Week 8 mmmm

M Mobile Molly

This week we are learning about the sound m - Mobile Molly

We are learning to identify the different parts of a Wharenui (Big House - on a Marae) and  to use a range of materials and work as a team to create a wharenui.

What we did:

- Used some rods to create the wharenui
- named parts of the wharenui
- learnt a song to help us remember the parts of the wharenui (to the tune of head, shoulders, knees and toes)

Parts of the Whare song:

tekoteko (Statue at the top), koruru (Face), mahi (arms), raparapa (Hands) X 4
amo (Legs), pae pae (Feet), pare (Top of the Door), whakawae (Door Frame)X 1

I will post photos from our Marae trip soon. I hope you all enjoyed the experience. I know I did.

Nga Mihi,
